Creating cmercury account:
You can create the cmercury account by visiting the pricing page and clicking on the Contact Us button under the desired plan.
You can create the cmercury account by visiting the pricing page and clicking on the Contact Us button under the desired plan.
You will be redirected to a page to fill out your details. Once the details are submitted, our team will get in touch with you to help with the account setup process.
Once the plan is finalized, to setup your cmercury account (for planning other than free plan), please share the domain which you would like to configure in your account. Our deliverability team will share the DNS entries that need to be added to your DNS panel.
Click on the downward arrow adjacent to account name to access the account menu. Click on the Account settings to access your account settings.
Users who click on the “Allow” button will be marked as “Subscribers” for receiving Browser Push notifications.
Click-through URL: This helps set up your click-through URL.
Account return-path: Is auto-filled when domain configuration process is completed.
Frequency limiter & no. of emails: Helps in setting a limit for the number of emails to be sent to a single user. If we set the Frequency limiter as 3 and no of emails as 1, then only 1 mail will be sent to the user in 3 days.
Here you can enable the web analytics and get the code to be implemented on the website.
Click-through URL: This helps set up your click-through URL.
Account return-path: Is auto-filled when domain configuration process is completed.
Frequency limiter & no. of emails: Helps in setting a limit for the number of emails to be sent to a single user. If we set the Frequency limiter as 3 and no of emails as 1, then only 1 mail will be sent to the user in 3 days.
Capture global user details : When this option is enabled, we can track the details of the users coming to the website from non-email sources.
If we enable the track email-only option, the system will track only those users who have been uploaded to the list in the panel.
In the track-all-user-data, the system will track all the users coming to the website irrespective of their source and irrespective of whether the users are present in the list or not.
Once you click on the Save button, the code will be generated and can be integrated into the website.
Welcome Message: This is the web push which is sent automatically when a user subscribes to the web push notifications.
Title: The title given to the welcome message when the user subscribes to the web push.
Body: The body part of the welcome web push notification.
Icon: The icon of the welcome web push.
Here you can create API token for integration of the API. You have 2 options to create the API tokens.
HTTP referral: Used when the request is sent from a single URL.
Server Side
Dedicated IP: Token is created for the specific IPs. So the request will be processed when received from mentioned IPs.
Secret code: Token is created using a secret word given in the panel.
Here we can set the number of retries for each type of bounce. For example, if the number of retries is set as 2 for the “ Network & Routing Status” bounces, the system will try to send the email bounce 2 times before the system trashes the email address.
To access the Master settings for your account, go to Account settings and click on the Master Settings Button in top Right hand portion of the screen.
Here, you can get the details of the campaigns currently scheduled in the account. We also have the option for stopping the campaign in the page itself. Just select the campaign to be stopped and click on the “Stop” button to stop the campaign.
Here, see the actions taken in the account by the users like scheduling the campaigns, uploading, downloading etc. during a specific date range.
Here, get the attribute id of the attributes created in the account.
Here, create custom enhancers in the account.
Here, create a custom tag list in the account. The tag is assigned to campaigns for quick identification.
Here, add email ids which are to be excluded from all the mailings from the account ie, regular and trigger campaigns. Once an email address is added to the account, no mail will be sent to the specific users irrespective of the list from which it’s sent.
Here, view all the email addresses that have been added to the Global email address of the account. When an email address is added to the Global unsubscribe list, no regular campaign will be sent to users from the account, but they would still receive the triggers sent from the account.
Here, get the count of domains in the selected list. You can also get the count of domains of the email addresses that have bounced and clicked on unsubscribe & spam as well.
The cmercury image store module provides you with the option of hosting your images and pdf files in your account itself. You can access the image library by clicking on the bottom icon in the left navigation bar.
In cmercury, click on the “+” button to create sub folders. Once the folder is created, click on the folder and select the files to be uploaded. Once the upload is completed, click on the file to view the file path in the box provided above.
To access the account summary, click on your account logo in the top right-hand corner and click on the account summary.
Now you can view the complete details regarding your account:
ClickThru: The link given as the click-through in your account.
Account Return-Path: The domain which has been set as the return path domain in the account
Modules Enabled: The modules which are currently activated in the account.
Select Date Range: The date range for which the details are displayed.
Emails sent: The number of emails sent during the date range given above.
SMS: The number of SMSes sent during the date range given above.
Mobile Push: The number of mobile push campaigns sent during the date range given above.
Web Push: The number of web push notifications sent during the date range given above.
Exit Intent: The number of the pop-ups displayed during the date range given above.
Facebook: Gives the count of users synchronized using the Facebook custom audience retargeting feature.
Lists: Gives the total number of lists created in the account (active and inactive)
Total Contacts (including duplicates): Gives the total count of the contacts currently uploaded to the lists in the accounts (which includes duplicates as well).
Campaigns: The total no of campaigns sent from the account during the given date range.
A/B Splits: The number of the A/B split campaigns targeted in the given date range.
Distribution: The number of distribution campaigns targeted in the given date range.
Unsubscribes: Gives the number of users who have unsubscribed from your campaigns during the given date range.
Prepaid Account Details: The details regarding your prepaid balance. Know the number of emails and SMS allotted in the account with the expiry date as well. You may also see the remaining days of the prepaid period and remaining count of the daily email quota available.
The details regarding your prepaid balance. Know the number of emails and SMS allotted in the account with the expiry date as well. You may also see the remaining days of the prepaid period and remaining count of the daily email quota available.
Here, edit your account profile and change the icon if required.
This lets you update your existing password.