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Introducing cmercury’s new brand identity

March 18, 2019
cmercury marketing automation

cmercury has evolved to a bigger brand, representing the entire marketing automation suite, catering to Email, Mobile, Web and Social channels. We are proud to announce the launch of the new cmercury logo, as part of this ongoing brand evolution.

Over the last two years, cmercury, our intelligent automation suite has grown in terms of technological additions, clients, partners and talent. We are increasingly building more and more Machine Learning (ML) features to harness the power of data that grows by the hour, in sheer volume and complexity. Our customers have users that run into millions. Managing all that intelligently while catering to each user and addressing their unique needs demands a robust but nimble technology suite.

cmercury is Asia’s first marketing automation suite to introduce predictive intelligent email and notifications. Today, cmercury has many case studies that prove that the predictive ML-layer gives customers more return on investment.

In order to reflect this evolution, and to showcase our capability to make a real difference to our client’s business, we decided to refresh our brand identity. The new logo colours have been thoughtfully chosen to reflect our core brand values; passion for technology, constant pursuit of trust-building amongst all stakeholders and a spirit to constantly enthuse and encourage. While the upward arrow symbolises dynamism and our desire for growth, it’s also a promise of progress.

We have refreshed our logo to reflect who we are today and to symbolize our dynamic future. As we eagerly look forward to the future, we are equally proud of our deep roots as a pioneering email marketing company and our earliest foray into predictive intelligence.

In the upcoming weeks, we will update all our marketing literature and online presence with the new logo. We understand that transitioning to a new identity involves multiple steps and take considerable time and effort. While we strive to make the transition smoothly, please stay with us for more updates.

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